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Intoduction setting up environment
Introduction agenda, training philosophy
Demo optimizer inputs, complexity overview
SQL execution engine capabilities, plan shape limitations
Getting execution plans
Explain plan limitations
Better tools for getting the correct plan
Reading plans and metrics using SQL Monitoring reports
SQL Monitoring Duration vs DB Time, application think time
Getting current bind variable values for long-running SQL
Question child cursor metrics
Ashtop demo
ASH SQL plan line level breakdown
Demo asqlmon script
Other tools and SQL Trace comments
xb.sql - eXplain Better script
Execution plan tools summary
Question getting plans of SQL executed in past
Question SQL_trace enables GATHER_PLAN_STATISTICS
Understanding Execution Plan Structure
Row source metrics E-Rows A-Rows Starts
Query blocks introduction
Filter Access predicates
Comparing plan hash values
Query blocks object aliases
Outline data OTHER_XML
Peeked binds
Column projections
Question filter access predicates in AWR
Plan operator types and row sending flow
Demo cascading row source
Demo blocking row source
Measuring UGA PGA workarea sizes
Joins introduction
Nested loops joins
Hash joins
Outer joins
Merge joins
Hash joins optimal vs multipass execution
Join types summary
Questions demos
Temp table transformation
Inlist Iterator
Nested subqueries intro
FILTER row source
Subquery unnesting transformations
Demo hash join vs nested looping for the same SQL
Question: Listing help about TPT scripts
Accessing data efficiently, access path metrics
Index range scan efficiency
Index tree structure and shape
Measuring the index slice
Overview of btree index access paths
Indexes as skinny tables
Index skip scanning overview
Index column order range scan efficiency
Clustering factor, accessing tables via indexes
Other schema considerations, constraints
Systematic indexing
Indexing demo 1
Indexing demo 2
Indexing demo 2 rerun going deeper
Full table scans, direct path reads
Direct path read metrics
Direct path read decision
Analyzing query IO patterns and behavior
Partition pruning
Partition pruning info in DBMS_XPLAN
Subquery, bloom filter based partition pruning
Partition-wise join demo FAILED
Partition-wise join demo SUCCESSFUL
Large hash joins PGA temp usage
Parallel hash join example
Hash join buffered example
PQ_DISTRIBUTE controlling PX row distribution
Partition-wise joins improving PX plan example
Other ways for reducing PGA memory usage
Optimizing large plans by refactoring SQL
Controlling SQL execution plans introduction
Controlling Subquery Unnesting
Unnesting complex subqueries experiment
The main properties of an execution plan
Controlling execution plans with hints
Troubleshooting why hints aren't used
Disabling old hardcoded hints
Controlling join orders
Controlling join methods demos
Giving optimizer the freedom to optimize
Picking the right join order
Picking the join order SH schema example
Manually optimizing the SH query join order
Plan tree structure with SWAP_JOIN_INPUTS introduction
Controlling transformations
OR-Expansion transformation example
Helping CBO Introduction
Battling Cardinality Misestimates
The main properties of an execution plan
Good join orders, estimating cardinalities
Easy detection of cardinality misestimates xb.sql
Finding the origin of cardinality misestimate, helping optimizer
Optimizer cardinality feedback
Dynamic sampling, SQL plan directives
Cost Based Optimizer inputs
Adaptive cursor sharing
Reasons for cardinality misestimate, CBO behavior changes
SQL performance analysis approach summary
CBO inputs object base stats
CBO inputs column histograms
Creating SQL plan baselines from a manually optimized SQL plan
CBO cardinality misestimate examples
CBO cardinality misestimate out of stats bounds value
CBO cardinality misestimate correlated columns
Other CBO inputs physical design, datatypes, constraints
Troubleshooting optimizer bug CBO behavior changes demo
Insert Index ITL contention
Freezing Plans with Baselines
SQL Patches Profiles SQL Translation
Demo Adjusting Plan With Cardinality Estimate
Questions Answers
Analyzing Plan Performance Changes
What are the optimizer days?
Optimizer Day 2021 - Part 1
Optimizer Day 2021 - Part 2
2019 - What-Is-Optimizer-Cost
2019 - System-Statistics-CPU-Costing
2019 - Question-Noworkload-System-Stats
2019 - Optimizer-Cost-Formula-General
2019 - Index-Scan-Table-Scan-Costing
2019 - CBO-Terminology
2019 - Before-Reading-CBO-Traces
2019 - Why-Is-CBO-Not-Using-My-Index
2019 - Reading-CBO-Trace-Introduction
2019 - CBO-Trace-Access-Path-Analysis
2019 - Column-Groups-Correlation
2019 - Join-Orders-And-Followup-Plan
How does this work?
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When you sign up, you will get access to the following (for the next 12 months):
- Online streamable videos
- Downloadable videos for personal "forever-use"
- Training slides, scripts, tools and other material
The "videos only" products do not include follow up Q&A sessions.
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